The duo composed of Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph reunited with the audience at the Estéreo Picnic Festival after having presented their music as part of their “The Bandito Tour” in 2019. Although they were not initially part of the official lineup of FEP artists, the surprising cancellation by Blink-182 made their return to Colombia a reality on the Johnnie Walker stage.
The afternoon of Thursday, March 23, will certainly be remembered as one of the most memorable moments for music lovers who had the privilege of attending the show featuring various national and international artists on the first day of the Estéreo Picnic Festival, one of the most anticipated events for Colombians.
First, Lika Nova was responsible for the official opening of the festival. However, it was Twenty One Pilots who stole the show on the first night. During the performance of the Ohio-based band, Tyler Joseph, frontman and vocalist, surprised the audience by jumping over the security barriers to climb onto a plastic board held up by the crowd, thus fulfilling every rock star’s dream.